Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I've posted a bunch more movies that I highly recommend in the list from 2010. So, if you like, you can hurry on over there and check them out.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

rant on waste material

So, I've been a long time coming to the realization that my town, but also the whole country, has the most crap recycling-All right, let me re-phrase.

This morning I was going through assorted plastic. Broken quart bags, lettuce containers, celery bags, meat wrappings, you get the idea. I came to the conclusion, as I put about 80% of these things into the rubbish bin (honestly, what can you really do with 20 and counting styrofoam trays?), that my town needs a better solution for recycling than we currently have. This pretty much applies to the entire country as well. I may go to some town meetings or something. Until then, you readers are lucky enough to enjoy rants from yours truly.

Maybe more research later. Ta for now!
Going back to the 20 styrofoam trays, here's something for the comments. Feel free to give any ideas for re-using plastic.
Trays are good for beading tables if you're using a beading needle. They are also useful when watering house-plants (place the pot on top of tray to prevent spills) and seedlings (ditto). Anything else? I heard someone say insulation!