Ah, the worldwide weighty dread of waking on a Monday morning and knowing what awaits you for the next five days of your life.
As The Adventures of Tom Sawyer says (I'll be gushing over that book and quoting it a bunch on here, so if you don't dig...): "Monday morning found Tom Sawyer miserable. Monday morning always found him so, because it began another week's slow suffering in school. He generally began that day with wishing he had had no intervening holiday, it made the going into captivity and fetters again so much more odious." And there, my friend (or not, whatever suits you) you have the everyday moment of over one and-a-half billion kids encapsulated in a short paragraph.
The book's setting, in the midst of a quirky hullabaloo of big-talking Mississippi boys, isn't so bad either. It isn't every day that someone comes up to you wanting to barter a dead cat or rat tied to a string, a cow bladder, tadpoles, a fence-painting....you get the idea. I will say that I've had little quibbles with Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain as he wished to be called) over a certain incident involving knitting and a fiddle, but we've put that behind us now and I've renounced my hypercritical ways (okay, not entirely). I intend to read all the classics with an open mind. Mr. Twain's definition of a classic was something that "everyone wants to have read but nobody wants to read." Maybe it's because I haven't been forced into it, but I love reading the "classics".
Although I'm probably the trillionth person to say this, I will anyway:
I'm still searching for the reason why writing blows me away, but I think a bit of it is that writing takes thoughts and, because we're all human, makes them universal. It's not easy to capture exact feelings or moments on paper, but writers somehow manage it. I did have profound things to say on this subject, but have now become distracted thinking about Mississippi in 1840. Ta for reading, if you haven't already thrown up your hands in exasperation and run away.
I find it ironic that this was written just after a Monday holiday!