Friday, February 18, 2011


Thought this was good. The video about urban tree planting is worth a watch. The UCS is a group of concerned scientists and citizens working on achieving unbiased scientific research results in America and influencing garden-planting and eco-friendly farming across the country. Even reading a little of this website is helpful and informative.
So many decisions seem to be made these days without the government or single companies thinking about what the impact will be on the natural world. Most chemicals shouldn't even exist, in my opinion, and many of them should have been tested far more thoroughly to start out. It's sometimes scary how far the world has progressed in terms of inventions. Inventions are great, but unfortunately man's brilliance has led him to make things like guns, Agent Orange and nuclear weapons as well. Before I go on a long tangent, I'd better sign off. However, we must remain optimistic (somehow!) and remember that a whole is made up of more than one.
I would also like to remind readers (gosh, I do flatter myself! But...I do have a few!) to check a previous post that has a similar link. The post is titled Gulf Spill Photographs, but here is the website: Nat Geo Site That has fun quizzes that will help make a small difference around the house saving energy, etc.

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