Monday, March 19, 2012


Not all old classic movies are good. People always talk about them as if they are amazing, but sometimes I don't understand how they were popular when they first came out in the 40s and 50s. Maybe you just had to be there.
When we saw Gone With the Wind, I was extremely excited because it has so much history and drama wrapped up in it, and I ended up really disliking it.
Most of the black folk were whiny, the leading males were full of themselves, and Scarlet O'Hara was impossible to relate to. My favourite characters all died before the end, of course. On a good note, the burning building scene was impressive, the Southern plantation house architecture was imposing, and the music was sweeping and suspenseful. The costumes weren't bad either.

Breakfast at Tiffany's. Although the big glasses, beehive up-do, and long cigarette holder are all delightfully iconic, I was confused most of the way through the movie and, again, although she wassometimes quirky and funny, could find nothing to relate to in the main character. I was also put off by, although I've liked him in many other movies, Micky Rooney's odd portrayal of a Chinese landlord. It was a bit disturbing.

Dirty Dancing. I mean, what......? The new one is much better.
Am I just being hypercritical and obnoxious, or does anyone else feel this way?

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