Friday, April 27, 2012

Losses vs. Gains

The loss of superstition is a sad one. Now that we've explored and poked our noses into every nook and cranny on earth, we pompously go where we want, do as we please, without fear of curses or mythical monsters or plagues. We need a bit more healthy ignorance, healthy unknown. When humans are no longer innately fearful of the dark, I will be terrified.


  1. This...I....Yes.
    Again, one of the reasons I love history is that people DIDN'T know that much about the world. They were all new and afraid and not so, as you say, pompous. If possible, it would be nice to go back in time and believe all of those myths and ignorance even though we know they aren't true. :)

  2. YES! I love the fact that people still wonder about Nessie (and yes, giant eels) and other such creatures.
