Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Rainy Day Post

Everything in my life right now seems to being going fine and dandy, so why am I SO INCREDIBLY MAD AT EVERYONE?!!!!!
Since all-out mood-reformation doesn't seem to be working, I'm going to take it slow, by trying very hard to figure out what the reasons for my freaking out are, and also by finding things that make me happy and doing them more often. Some resolutions that I've arrived at:
Wearing nice clothes. My closets are packed to the ceiling with gorgeous clothes, and I never wear them because: "No one wears beautiful dresses every day. They're not practical, they might get messed up, and they're only for fancy occasions." Well, that's changing! Unless I attend a party twice a week for the rest of my life, I'll never get a chance to wear these dresses and scarves and hats. So I'm going to wear them every day and not care what people think. 

Taking more walks. When summer came, my mom and I just stopped walking. We still do trail work, but strolling calmly down the road is far different from being bent over using clippers and sickles, huffing and puffing in 80-degree weather. 

Running. I love running, so why don't I do it more often? 
Yoga. I'll work out a really short routine for mornings. 

Tea, soup, and other cold-weather fare. I'll make more of these things for the winter.
Travel. Needs to happen. Soon. No matter what. If it doesn't, something in my brain is going to explode. 

So yes. Random things in my life right now. Later! 

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