Wednesday, November 7, 2012

College Worries, What's New

I am the kind of person who would change their major at least 5 times in the course of four years, thereby never graduating and getting further and further in debt as I realise that the classes I wanted to take are no longer the classes that I want to take.
I know this.
And people laugh and wave it off and say, "Oh, honey, just get scholarships and dive right in. You'll figure it out, ho-ho-ho." Well buddy, I REALLY DON'T KNOW IF WHAT YOU'RE SAYING THERE IS TRUE. After all, this is my money we're talking about here. Haha, my money. Allright, when I actually start taking on paying jobs and earning money.
   Also, I find that I am not a particularly ambitious person. I find it hard to do something if I'm not committed, convinced, and completely in love with it 100% of the time. I love learning, it's just that I'm not very trusting and I like to know everything about something before I begin; have all the facts; know the risks; weigh things over and over until I divine some reliable conclusion from them. If people offer me opportunities, positions, etc., without telling me all about them, I get very nervous.

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