So, I just shouldn't read youtube comments. I really shouldn't. Whenever i scroll down expecting to find some fascinating discussion of the content from the featured video, all I find is a huge muckhole of idiocy and insults. Maybe a tad harsh here, but this is I feel. I'm going to stop reading youtube comments.
Anyway, one thing I noticed in the youtube community, especially with these UK-based vloggers, is that when a person discovers the community and the people involved a couple years late (hasn't seen ALL of these peoples' videos/doesn't know exactly who knows who) all the other old-timer followers, who should welcome them in and answer their perfectly sensible questions in a kind way, start tossing around put downs and phrases like "WOW, you really are new here" or "No, he's from WorldoftheOrange, duh." What happened to correcting people politely? It's so frustrating, because all these youtubers are just putting feelings of goodwill out there and all they get back are their followers arguing. Really, really maddening, this. Sometimes the internet is a really clique-y place, which is why we all just have to learn how to ignore trolls and jerks and not care so much about other people's misguided opinions. All for now folks, peace out.
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