Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Here are some books that I just finished reading and recommend (although most people seem to have read them already):
The Hound of the Baskervilles (as well as all the short stories and the other three novels!)
The Lord God Made Them All (this is from the James Herriot series. The television series is also funny.)
The Elegance of the Hedgehog (lots of confusing philosophical stuff, with a cute story thrown in there, too.)
The Hunger Games Trilogy
I'll think of some more later.
The Chanters of Tremaris Trilogy (I liked the first two books the best, but really worth the read! Kate Constable is surprisingly good at writing about winter, even though she lives in Australia! Ok, so I just found out that they do have winter there, but only in the south. And apparently they don't actually get snow, just cold, rainy weather.)
North and South (I've just started it, but judging by the BBC's version it's going to be amazing, so I'll just save myself the time of adding it to the list later.)
All of Jane Austen's books, of course. Emma was (blasphemy!) a little tedious, but only because it was almost too amazing. Each line on its own was really clever, but page after page was a little hard. Still good. Haven't found a movie version that I like yet.
Watersmeet (a bit like Chanters of Tremaris, so its pretty cool.)

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