Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Haunted Stretch of Highway

On the way home from Augusta on a frigid day, I photographed this house. The angles on it were beautiful. Inside, to the left in what looked like a living room, was piled high with old pieces of furniture and fabric drapes. Rotten wooden desks, tastefully carved chairs, and one huge lime-green armchair. The back wall was completely torn off, and you could see straight through to the yard, which was filled with scraggly apple trees and pricker brush.
  The upper story windows were half hooded by thin, ripped off-white curtains, and each doorway was crowned with a long-empty light socket. I couldn't see over the sills into the front morning rooms because of the way the house leaned back off the foundation, but I'm sure they were very grande. Hopefully we'll get back there someday for early-morning photos or more exploring.

In researching this house (there is not very much info on it anywhere!) I discovered that it is in fact a very popular photography setting. Some links: http://img2.etsystatic.com/000/0/5135773/il_fullxfull.234061286.jpg
This one! This is brilliant. I can't get enough of this stuff. Is there some job that pays you to go explore old houses? Maybe I'll just become a ghost facer. http://downeastdoingstuff.blogspot.com/2011/09/what-happens-when-you-get-old.html

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