Well, I think our family has proved itself incapable of taking care of animals. The barnyard chicken population has gone, in various stages, from 38 to 23 to 15 to 2 to...1! I'm convinced that we should never, ever attempt chickenry (?) again, unless we're at least 80% sure that there are no foxes or weasels or eagles or whatever else the hell is out there. Either that or have a sound pen, which is apparently a very difficult thing to do, given that predators are always lurking about and digging under things and generally being horrid.
All in all, it was quite a bit of trouble and woe. I became very attached to the birds. And I feel like smacking people who say "Oh, but you can't get attached, didn't you know...?" I mean, come on, if I can't fully love the things while they're here, I'd rather not have them at all. Does that 'don't be afraid to get hurt in love' rubbish not apply to animals then? Collecting eggs and having the birds follow me all over the place will also be missed. Ah well. Life is pretty much shite right now anyway, why not add something else to the party. If you didn't like this downer....I'm not really sorry today. Go read the blog of an overachieving, craftmaking, gardening, costume-making single mum. That might do you.
Update: We found the red chicken! And now there are two again. Still don't know where she went off to the other night. She time-traveled. (I may just have to make that into a kids' book.....Add it to the other ideas that I would illustrate, had I art skills.)
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