Tuesday, October 30, 2012

yet more confirmation of how screwed up our society can be/Shades of Disbelief

......That some things get published. 50 Shades of Grey is the most stupid book on the face of the earth. As sarcaschicks says: "It started out as Twilight fan fiction." It's like reading porn in public....and thinking you're being discreet.
(Okay, so, here I am guffawing at the joke that it started out as a Twilight fan fiction. A short bit of research later-it actually did.) This is really pathetic. And I hate critics who validate books like this with positive reviews full of clap trap and a profession of "deep meaning" in the writing. No, it doesn't show any deep meaning. The author's a psycho and the book's rubbish. (Just to clarify-I'm all for things starting out as fan fiction. Bravo, there's nothing wrong with that. It's just that, in this case, the nature of the fan fiction is preposterous, unnecessary, lacking content and really, really disappointing. And here libraries all over are saying "Well, we're not going to ban it because it's flying off the shelves. There's a demand for it." Screw you, 50 Shades. As if there aren't enough violent, dangerous, controlling relationships out there all ready, let's make it popular to be in one! Yes, impressionable young women going out into the world, BDSM is a walk in the park! I mean, really, what have we come to? I'm ashamed of womankind right now. Really, really ashamed. Have we no sense?!)

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